Fairfield High School students show their worth with strong GCSE results

Fairfield High School students are celebrating a strong set of GCSE results, demonstrating considerable resilience and flexibility, as their course changed multiple times across the year.

Many students were awarded high grades based on their hard work and achievement over five years in the school, the last two of which have proved highly challenging due to lockdown and periods of isolation.

Others reached standards well above those that might have been expected when they started at FHS. Fairfield has recently been rated Bristol’s top nonselective school in The Guardian’s Good School’s Guide shining in particular in the following areas representation, disadvantaged pupils and progress. It prides itself on recognising the success of all students, including those with English as an additional language and young people in care.

Students across England were again unable to sit exams in the summer, with grades being awarded after a rigorous assessment process based on teacher assessment grades. However, as always, FHS is committed to ensuring that the students who are leaving are able to follow suitable courses from September. The school will be keeping in close contact with these students throughout and will be working with them over the coming days to help them confirm their next steps. Some will go on to V6, the joint sixth form provision for Fairfield and Colston’s Girls’ School, while others will take up places at other colleges and sixth forms in the city.

Principal Nick Lewis said: “We are extremely proud of our Year 11s, whose time at Fairfield has been a rollercoaster during the past two years. The resilience they have shown due to the ever changing picture of exams is commendable. As with the cohort who left us last year, we are determined that their future plans will not be derailed by the coronavirus crisis. Our staff have really gone the extra mile to support them.

“Well done to all the students who have achieved the grades they were hoping for. Perhaps more importantly, I want to congratulate all our young people who have shown ongoing maturity and resilience. I wish them all the best for the future.”

Former Head Student and Bristol Youth Mayor Alice Towle echoed the Principal’s comments. She said: “Last year our teachers were fantastic, checking up on us by phone and email. The post-16 transition co-ordinator knew where everyone was planning to for sixth form in September and provided amazing support throughout the whole process.

“Going to secondary at Fairfield provided me with so many opportunities in and out of the classroom. We always used to joke that I was never at school because there was always something exciting going on, from trips to debate competitions or sports matches. And if ever there was a club that we wanted that didn’t exist we were allowed to find it. From feminist societies to anime clubs… we really had everything. And it’s this attitude of pushing everyone to do their best in and out of the classroom that I really valued at Fairfield.”