From Couch To Kinesiology: A Bristol Mum’s Story

KatToday’s post on Bristol Mum is written by Katherine Allen, a local mum who has her own Kinesiology practice in Bishopston: KatKinesiology. Here Katherine explains more about Kinesiology and how it helped her following the birth of her two sons and led her to set up a Kinesiology practice of her own.

I was super excited when I fell pregnant with my first son, delighted in fact, and after a rather stressful pregnancy, with problems at the 20 week scan, a healthy baby was born.

I had no idea how I would feel, as we rarely do with our first and although I fell in love with this tiny little baby, looking back I was certainly suffering from anxiety.

After the first year emotions settled down and the joy outweighed the anxiety, and two years later number two boy was born. This pregnancy was also somewhat stressful, with problems again noted at the 20 week scan, but I had faith, felt positive and now had some experience!! Unfortunately he suffered from severe colic and I found myself struggling once again to keep the family and myself buoyant.

Three years down the line, cracks were appearing and I was exhausted!

It had all gotten the better of me and I had to take to the couch every afternoon! I visited my doctor only to discover that I was anaemic and had a low thyroid function, most probably from a prolonged period of stress. I have to say I was pretty relieved at least to have a diagnosis and could embark upon a journey of healing. I was sure I didn’t want to take any thyroxin and had always felt that ailments could be helped if not cured by nutrition and emotional well-being.

A friend put me in touch with a Kinesiologist. I had never heard of this method of healthcare before. Within a month of seeing the Kinesiologist and taking the prescribed supplements, I felt better, and within six months I felt like a different person. Energy levels were up and I was able to cope so much more happily with my two lovely boys. I had started repairing the cracks!!!

photo 1I decided to train in Kinesiology, achieving Foundation Levels 1 to 6. I then went on to study on the Practitioners Course and now have my full Diploma Qualification.

I have a successful practice in Bishopston where clients come to see me for a wide variety of reasons. including low or fluctuating energy levels, food testing, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, the menopause, anxiety, depression, stress . . . . . the list goes on.

I love the work I do and feel blessed that through such hard times I have found this wonderful health practice. A practice that deals with the body holistically. Each session incorporates lymphatic massage, energy and emotional work, nutritional advice with supplement recommendations.

If you would like more information please call me on 07855 193 297 or send me a message on FB KatKinesiology.

I am offering a discount on the first consultation if you find me through Bristol Mum.

With Love and best wishes
