“Babies All Wrapped Up”: A Book Written by Bristol Mum Dr Claire Winstanley

convertedToday’s post on Bristol Mum features a new book written by Bristol Mum, Dr Claire Winstanley called “Babies All Wrapped Up” – For You, Your New Born and Beyond.

‘Babies All Wrapped Up’ is THE all-encompassing baby book for an up-to-date but down to earth source of newborn information. Aimed at first time parents, this is the book many current parents will wish they’d owned years ago; containing a perfect balance of invaluable tips and professional advice from a senior medical practitioner.

‘Babies All Wrapped Up’ is an invaluable source of information for nervous parents-to-be; taking them through the necessary stages of pre-birth, birth and post-natal care not only for mum and baby but dad too).

Written in a warm accessible format, this book offers support of a practical, emotional and physical nature. Dr Winstanley has also spent three years painstakingly researching the best medical advice from a wealth of midwives, paediatricians and specialist consultants, resulting in a brilliantly informative but heart-warming manual.

It covers all aspects of late pregnancy (such as what to pack for hospital and when) right through to night time feeds, weaning, health and safety at home and ailment information for babies and young children. Importantly, it concentrates not only on information about baby, but also helpful tips for mum and dad too when surviving those early stages of parenthood.

What’s different about this book?

Dr Winstanley offers succinct information in easy-to-find chapters; taken from her years of experience as both a senior GP and a mother of 3. The book provides both essential medical information and also tips on the smallest detail to help first time parents in an accessible and friendly way.

Rather than offering an oversized coffee table book, Dr Winstanley has deliberately designed ‘Babies All Wrapped Up’ to be carried around in the changing bag; thus the right size to take with you anywhere for instant information when needed.

Significantly, the book not only provides excellent hints and tips from both medical and alternative areas but also, why they work.

Dr Winstanley recently stated “ I wanted to produce a completely invaluable manual for the first time parent without losing any of the warmth and cosiness felt when a baby arrives. It’s a bit like listening to a well-meaning friend who also happens to be a family GP with helpful tips to hand”.

Approved by paediatricians and midwives, ‘Babies All Wrapped Up’ is an essential item for any nursery or changing bag.

It has been  featured in Prima Baby magazine, The Baby Show – Earl’s Court and endorsed by This Morning’s Sue Atkins.

A recent review by curiousmum.co.uk eaxplains:

“….So if you or someone you care about is expecting, we suggest you do them a favour and get them this book, it will save them hours of research and many sleepless nights worrying if they are caring for the baby properly….”.

Dr Claire Winstanley is a GP currently based at The Whiteladies Health Centre in Clifton. She is also mother to 3 young children and has collected many years of information and research through first~hand experience. Her interests within Medicine are diverse and amongst other things have led her into researching all alternative therapies, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. When talking about ‘Babies All Wrapped Up’ she says :

“I have written this book as after the birth of my first child, I sat on my hospital bed and felt totally overwhelmed. Although I had read some baby books I still felt bereft of decent information; even as a practising GP!’

‘This is the book I wanted and needed when I sat there wondering what to do next! It prepares the mother for what happens to her own body just after the birth – a time few people talk about. This book gives parents options on how to look after the newborn and young baby from the offset.’

‘Babies All Wrapped Up’ is available from Whsmith Clifton, Amazon and Dragonweb Publishing Ltd.

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