New Sing & Sign ‘Babes’ Baby Signing Classes in Horfield

If you have a baby aged 0-6 months and would like to learn some baby signing, there are some wonderful new Sing and Sign ‘Babes’ classes starting soon in Horfield.

The Babes format has been specifically designed with speech and language therapists for babies who are younger than 6 months (pre-Stage One).  It is only suitable for babies who are not yet crawling (rolling over or sitting up is fine).

The aim of these classes is to help build the important framework for good communication through the magic ingredient of music. Classes incorporate sensory stimulation along with Sing and Sign staple ingredients – repetition, anticipation, praise, basic baby signing and, of course, Jessie Cat!

In case you haven’t heard of it before, baby signing aids communication and teaches babies and their parents/carers signs like milk, more, change nappy and tired, all of which helps babies communicate.

All Sing and Sign sessions are gentle and fun and include 35-45 minutes of singing and signing through songs, actions and rhymes. The classes are also great way to meet other local parents and sessions include a bit of time for parents and carers to chat and get to know one another.

Original and familiar songs, puppets, props and pictures are used in sessions to inspire your child’s interest and illustrate the signs. Topics include going to the park, animals, vehicles, mealtime, bath time and bedtime and other things to capture your child’s imagination.

Babes runs for 5 weeks and costs £25 or £37.99 to include the Sing and Sign Songbook, and has been created especially to compliment the Babes class. The songbook includes 2 CDs, a page of helpful vocabulary and written songs with colourful illustrations to share with your baby.

No older siblings are allowed in Babes.

To book a place click the following link and then choose Sing and Sign Babes from the drop down menu:

Sing and Sign sessions are gentle and fun and include 35-45 minutes of singing and signing through songs, actions and rhymes. The classes are also great way to meet other local parents and sessions include a bit of time for parents and carers to chat and get to know one another.

Original and familiar songs, puppets, props and pictures are used in sessions to inspire your child’s interest and illustrate the signs. Topics include going to the park, animals, vehicles, mealtime, bath time and bedtime and other things to capture your child’s imagination.

To find out more about Sing and Sign classes nearest you, please contact Katherine Amor at and say where you live and she will direct you to your closest class.

The Sing and Sign Facebook pages will also give you more information and can be found via the Sing and Sign – Bristol Facebook page.