FHS Student’s Powerful Poem Wins Creative Writing Competition

Deborah Omolegan-Obe from Fairfield High School (FHS) has been announced by First Story and VINTAGE as the school’s winner in its creative writing competition.

Chosen from hundreds of entries, Deborah’s poem stood out from the rest, with her work being commended as “an excellent example of creativity, invention and originality”.

Year 10 student Deborah has always shown promise with the creative writing skills and has enjoyed being a part of the First Story programme throughout the academic year.

First Story, which has strong historical ties with FHS, “brings talented, professional writers into secondary schools serving low-income communities to work with teachers and students to foster creativity and communication skills”.

A modest Deborah shares the inspiration behind her poem:

“It’s all about a person who has been pushed into this lifestyle that they didn’t choose, but everyone else thinks it’s where they should be. It’s about the education system telling people they should get certain grades in their exams but this can get over-whelming… I wanted to get across the message that people should be given space and creativity to make themselves happy.

“I’m very proud to have been selected as the winner, I can’t believe it! My family have been very supportive and are really happy for me and I hope to carry on writing and become and author when I’m older.”

Deborah’s story has been put on the First Story website and printed on postcards, designed by an artist. Deborah received a prize donated by VINTAGE of two novels as well as her story printed on the postcard and a selection of winners from other schools.

FHS is extremely proud of Deborah and her efforts, and wishes her every success with future ventures.